Baby Bok Choy And Tomato Stir Fry Recipe


  • 2 lbs Baby Bok Choy,cut into bite size pieces
  • 2 tbps olive oil
  • 8 oz grape tomato,cut in halves
  • 3 or more garlic, chopped
  • 1 or more small onion,chopped
  • soy sauce to taste
Baby Bok Choy And Tomato Stir Fry Recipe

  1. Heat oil and add in garlic and onion. 
  2. Let the onion cook through and add in the grape tomatoes.
  3. Add soy sauce and season to your liking.
  4.  Let the tomatoes wilt and add in the Baby Bok Choy. 
  5. Mix ingredients and turn off heat.

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