Bud-bud Balanghoy Or Cassava Suman Recipe

  • 3.3 lbs of freshly harvested cassava, remove the bark, wash and grate
  • 1½ to 2 cups light brown sugar ( add sugar according to your liking. Test the mixture by frying a small amount)
  • ¼ cup of bottled young coconut, washed to remove the sweetness and then chopped.THIS IS OPTIONAL
Bud-bud Balanghoy Or Cassava Suman Recipe


  1. Mix first three ingredients and line the mixture in the banana leaves. Roll banana leaves and seal
  2. at the end.
  3. Do the same to the rest of cassava mixture.
  4. Line the Suman in the steamer.
  5. Put 10 cups of water in the bottom part of the steamer and let it the water boil.
  6. Put the top two layer of the steamer on top of the bottom one and steam Suman for 45 minutes.
  7. Enjoy

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