Filipino Pinakbet Recipe

  • One ampalaya (bitter melon), sliced
  • ½ lb sliced pork cut into small pieces
  • Two eggplants, sliced
  • One Onion, Diced.
  • Three Tomatoes, Chopped
  • One cup of water
  • Three pieces of garlic minced
  • Three table spoons of oil
  • Two cups of diced okra
  • Two cups of cut beans
  • Three tablespoons of bagoong alamang (salty shrimp paste)
  • One table spoon of ginger.
  • Salt and pepper to taste

Filipino Pinakbet  Recipe

  1. First heat the oil in a pan and add the sliced pieces of pork until the color is brown. When this is done, remove the pork from the pan and place it aside. 
  2. Use the same pan to stir the tomatoes, ginger, onions and garlic for several minutes until the tomatoes are wilted. 
  3. Add the squashed okra and stir fry for a few minutes before adding the remaining vegetables. Add the water and add the bagoong and cook in till it boils. Adjust the heat and add the pork.
  4. Let the casserole simmer for about ten minutes but make sure it won’t be overcooked. 
  5. Finally you can add some salt and pepper to bring it to a perfect taste. The pinakbet dish is done. The best way to serve the dish is hot and with plain rice.

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