Pakbet Guisado Recipe


  • 1/2 kilo pork – sliced
  • 1/2 of a medium squash – sliced (I wanted it with skin)
  • 1 bundle of string beans – sliced
  • 1 small ampalaya – sliced
  • 4 medium tomatoes – chopped
  • 1 medium onion – chopped
  • 4 cloves garlic – finely minced
  • Bagoong isda (adjusted to your preference)
  • Pepper
  • 1 cup water

Pakbet Guisado Recipe

  1. Saute garlic and onions.
  2. Add tomato and wait until some of the skin peels.
  3. Add pork and let it simmer for about five minutes. Casually mix it.
  4. Add water and bagoong. Let it boil. The taste should be a little salty for you.
  5. Add squash and eggplant. Let it boil.
  6. Add string beans and ampalaya. Boil.
  7. Add pepper.
Source: Foodcitations

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