(Bottom and Top Layer)
10g agar agar powder (Swallow Globe Brand) 500ml (Thai Fresh Young Coconut Water) 200g (Fresh young coconut meat)
1 can Logan and 300ml syrup
8 pandan leaves (Knots)
2-3 pandan leaves (Cut to Leaf Shape)
1-11/2 tbsp sugar (choice)
250ml water
Bottom Layer
6g agar agar powder
8 pandan leaves (Knots)
500ml (Coconut Water)
125ml water
1-11/2 tbsp sugar
Top Layer
4g agar agar powder
300ml logan syrup
125ml water
Food colouring your choice
1. Fill each glass with fresh young coconut meat and 3 logans.
2. Stir the bottom layer ingredients together and bring to boil. Fill each glass with 31/2 tbsp coconut mixture. Leave mixture to set slightly before filling the top layer.
3. Stir the top layer ingredients together and bring to boil. Fill up the glass with the logan mixture mixed with 2 tbsp colouring (choice).
4. Let it set completely before chilling in the fridge.
5. Before serving, décor with 1 leaf (pandan) and 1 logan.
Recipe submitted by Wendy Kwan
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