Suman Recipe


  •     4 cups malagkit rice (glutinous rice)
  •     1 & 1/2 tbsp salt
  •     3 cups thick coconut milk
  •     Buli leaves (for wrapping the suman)


  1.     Wash rice and soak with water until it swells. Mix with 2 cups coconut milk and salt.
  2.     Wrap mixture in prepared buli leaves (do not fill them up completely).
  3.     Place suman in large container.
  4.     Fill with water and remaining 1 cup coconut milk until suman is completely immersed.
  5.     Let boil until suman is cooked, normally a couple of hours.
  6.     Usually served with caramelized sugar and ripe mangoes
Source: Cook Eat Share

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