Boiled Bones Dumped With Veggies (Pinakuluang Buto-Buto Tinambakan Ng Gulay Recipe)

Boiled Bones Dumped with Veggies (Pinakuluang Buto-Buto Tinambakan ng Gulay)


1 kilo “buto-buto”- chopped
(throw-away bones of pork (or beef) with little lean, cartilage
or tissues still attached)

1 small carrot – de skinned & sliced
3 pieces “ripe saging na saba” – de skinned chopped into 2 per piece.
(Cardava Banana or Saba Banana)
3 pieces “kamote” – de-skinned, wedged into 4 per piece
(sweet potatoes)
1 small bunch “bok choy” – cleaned & end joint-stem removed.
(Chinese cabbage, bok choi, pak choi)
1 small bunch of “wom bok – cleamed & end joint-stem removed.
(Chinese Napa cabbage or Baguio pechay)
½ of small cabbage – cut squarely
6-8 pieces Baguio beans – cut into 2 per piece
(or any beans you wish)

1 medium white onion – sliced
2 grams ground black pepper
20 ml. “patis” (fish sauce)
15 ml. soy sauce
5 grams fine salt
25 ml. EVOO (Extra Virgin Olive Oil)
Tap water


1.   With just enough tap water to cover meat, boil “buto-buto” to desired tenderness. Remove from broth. Set aside drained meat & broth for later use.
2.   Heat EVOO and fry to almost well done state your bananas & sweet potatoes. Remove from oil & set aside.
3.   In the same frying pan, sauté onion till translucent.
4.   Add in boiled meat, fried banana & sweet potatoes.
Tumble and mix well for 2 minutes.
5.   Add in “patis”, soy sauce, ground black pepper and salt. Tumble and mix well for 3 minutes to ensure full flavor absorption by meat. Add in more EVOO if need be.
6.   While on this stage, bring broth to a boil.
7.   Once boiling, add in all in raw mats from the sautéing pan into broth. Continue boiling for another 2 minutes.
8.   Before end of 2 minutes, scoop in 2 pieces each banana & sweet potato. Crush to paste consistency and pour back unto boiling broth. (this system gives extra flavor & a bit of viscosity to soup.
9.   Pour in other veggies. Turn off stove. Veggies will be half-cooked but nutritively crunchy.
10.  Season with additional “patis” and/or black pepper if so desired.
11.  Serve to loved ones a dish that is so healthy and highly economical.

Recipe submitted by Mr. Jose Dante S. Morados. Visit his blog at This Gramp is a Food Critic

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