Pan Fried Fish Fillet In White Nido Sauce Recipe


500g Fish Fillet ( I suggest cream dory)
2 eggs
2 crab sticks
2 tofu
1-2 slices of lemon or calamansi
stalk of onion leeks
Salt and Pepper
Bread Crumbs


1. Marinade the fish with salt, pepper and 1-2 slices of lemon or calamansi for about 20 minutes. 
2. Prepare three containers for the egg, flour and bread crumbs. Coat the fish with egg, flour and bread crumbs in order.
3. Fry them until golden brown. This would take about 2-3 mins on each side. ( Frying time may vary depending on the thickness of the fish. )
4. Plate them and prepare for the sauce.


5. Get a new pan and boil the stock with the crab stick. Add a pinch of salt.
6. When the crab stick starts to soften ( eventually it will spread into fine strips ) add the leeks.
7. add flour to thicken sauce. Let it simmer for a minute

Source: Onion and Chillies

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