Roasted Bacon Wrap Pork Loin Recipe


  • 1 pork loin, about 4 lbs.
  • 7 cloves garlic, mashed
  • 7-8 slices bacon
  • kosher salt
  • optional freshly cracked black pepper
  • 2 tsp. rosemary


  1. Rub the pork loin all over with minced garlic, salt, and pepper.
  2. Wrap bacon slices around the pork loin until completely covered.
  3. Sprinkle the loin with crushed fresh (if possible) rosemary leaves.
  4. Bake in the oven at high heat (450 °F) for 15 minutes to crisp up the bacon. Then reduce heat to 375 °F and cook for another hour or so (until internal temperature reaches 150°C.
  5. Tent with foil and let rest for about 10-15 minutes.
  6. Slice and enjoy!

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