Chickpea Roll Stuffed With Eggs Recipe

Chickpea Roll Stuffed with Eggs


  •   1 ½ cup cooked chickpeas
  •   2-3 roasted red peppers from jar
  •   1 egg yolk
  •   ¾ Cup bread crumbs or as needed
  •   salt & pepper
  •   1 teaspoon garlic powder
  •   1 tablespoon tarragon or other flavoring of our choice
  •   3-4 drops Tabasco
  •   4 boiled eggs
  •   A little olive oil for baking
  1. Whisk in multi chickpeas and peppers until Buckthorn. Transfer to a bowl and add the yolk, the Tabasco, the garlic powder, the flavoring that we will use, Spice and toast until you obtain a mixture of neither too tight nor too wet.
  2. Mix well and spread half of the mixture into a form covered with greaseproof paper. Put boiled eggs next to each other and spread the remaining mixture of chickpeas over. Spread evenly and sprinkle with a little olive oil.
  3. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 c for 50-55 minutes. Leave to cool a little, to set and cut into pieces to serve with fresh season salad

source:Cook Mania

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