Kutsinta (Filipino Sticky Cake Recipe)

Kutsinta (Filipino Sticky Cake)


  • ¼ cup tapioca starch
  • ¾ cup al purpose flour, sifted
  • ¼ cup brown sugar
  • ½ cup sugar
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • ¼ teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 1/3 cups water

  1. Fill a 12-inch pan halfway with water and set over high heat.
  2. In a bowl, combine all dry ingredients and manually stir with a wire whisk to incorporate.
  3. Add the water and whisk together until the dry ingredients are completely dissolved and a smooth consistency is attained.
  4. Strain the mixture in another bowl to remove lumps.
  5. Lightly grease a medium muffin tin with butter.
  6. Fill muffin tin with 1/2 of the batter. Occasionally stir the batter while pouring onto the muffin tin to prevent settling of ingredients.
  7. Once the water in the pan is boiling, place the muffin tin in the pan and cover the pan with a lid.
  8. Steam the kutsinta for 25-30 minutes.
  9. Once cooked, remove the muffin tin from the pan and allow them to cool.
  10. Remove kutsinta from the muffin tin and allow them to cool completely.
  11. Repeat steps 5-10 one more time, making sure there is enough water in the pan each time.
  12. Serve kutsinta with grated coconut.
  13. Enjoy!

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