Tortang Talong Recipe (Stuffed Eggplant Omelette Recipe)

Tortang Talong (Stuffed Eggplant Omelette)


  • Eggplant, preferably the Asian/Japanese variety
  • 1 Egg (add more if using more eggplants)
  • Salt and pepper
  • Cooked ground meat 


  1. Wash the eggplants and dry them with paper towels.
  2. There are a few ways to cook an eggplant. If you have a gas burner, you can grill your eggplant on top of it until the skin gets charred and can be easily be removed from its flesh. The eggplant should also be very tender at this point.
  3. If you don't have a gas burner but an electric stove top, you can use the oven broiler instead. This is what I usually do. 
  4. Heat the broiler from 450-500F. Place the eggplant under the broiler and cook until it is soft, charred and its skin easily separates from its flesh. This can take roughly between 20-30 minutes depending on the size and thickness of your eggplants.
  5. Beat the egg on a bowl. Place the eggplant on top ensuring that it is fully coated with the eggwash. Mash or flatten the eggplant. Season with salt and pepper.
  6. Heat some oil in a frying pan. Slide the eggplant to the pan and start frying it. If using the ground pork saute, place 2-3 tablespoons of the meat on top of the eggplant. You can use the eggplant's stem to lift it up and check to see if the other side is already cooked. If the bottom of the eggplant has set and is cooked, flip it over to cook the other side. Fry until it has set and has turned a lovely golden brown. 
  7. Transfer to the plate and enjoy with rice for breakfast or lunch! To be truly Pinoy, eat it with ketchup as your condiment.
Source: Manila Spoon

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