Cassava Chips Recipe

Cassava Chips

  • 500g frozen cassava 
  • Crushed Garlic 2 table spoons 
  • Crushed green chillies 2 table spoons( 2-3 green chillies) 
  • 1/4 cup White flour and 1/4 cup corn flour or Tapioca flour (Cassava flour) for gluten free version. 
  • 1 table spoon red chilli powder 
  • salt to taste 
  • hot water 
  • sunflower oil for deep frying 
  1. In hot salty water boil the cassava until tender and cooked, drain and let it cool for a few minutes. Cut into long strips. 
  2. Mix with crush the garlic, green chillies, red chilli powder, salt with the flour and water to make a thin batter (pouring consistency) 
  3. Dip the cold boiled cassava strips into the batter and deep fry the cassava in hot oil, over a medium heat, until crisp and beginning to brown. Drain on absorbent paper and keep aside. 
  4. serve hot with your choice of dips or sauces.

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