Lechon Baboy Recipe

Lechon Baboy


  • one whole pig weighing 25-35 kilos
For the stuffing
  • salt and black pepper to taste
  • 7 pieces bay leaves
  • 10-20 bundles of lemon grass
  • 5 cups peeled garlic
  • 1 kilo spring onions
  • 5 pieces large red onion
For the glaze
  • Sprite softdrinks or soysauce or evaporated milk
  1. First, you have to slaughter the pig. Save the blood for it is used for Dinuguan.
  2. Wash the whole pig with hot water, shave the follicles, cut a straight opening in the stomach and remove all the innards.
  3. Rinse the whole pig and make sure the inside is clean and empty.
  4. Allow to drain for a 1 hour before stuffing.
  5. After draining, rub with salt and pepper inside and out.
  6. Skewer the pig with a long bamboo or iron bar.
  7. Stuff the pig belly with bay leaves, lemon grass, garlic, spring onions and onions.
  8. Sew the belly to close perfectly making sure all ingredients are stuff in.
  9. Rub the skin with sprite, or you can choose between soysauce or evaporated milk. These all gives the same result making the skin crispy and red when its cooked.
  10. Place the skewed pig over hot charcoal, put the charcoal on its side.
  11. Roast the pig slowly, glaze it with sprite from time to time making the skin extra crispy.
  12. Roast until crisp, red and cooked.
  13. When its cooked, removed the skewer and enjoy. For best presentation put an apple in the lechon's mouth.
Source: Pinoy Recipes

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