- 9 pcs santol, peeled and flesh chopped
- 1 cup coconut cream / gata (first extraction)
- 1 large red onion, sliced
- 3 cloves garlic, minced
- 1/4 tsp sugar *optional
- 1 small can sardines (with chili)
- 1-2 bird's eye chili (labuyo)
- 1 green chili (panigang)
- 1 Tbsp patis or fish sauce
- canola oil or any vegetable oil
- salt and pepper

- Sprinkle 1 tablespoon of salt on santol. Mix it generously and squeeze out the liquid.
- Heat a little oil in a pan. Saute the onion and garlic.
- Add in the chopped santol. Put the water. Let it boil until the water completely evaporates.
- Add in the sardines, chilies, patis, and sugar (optional).
- Add in the coconut cream. Season with pepper. Add salt if needed. Cook uncovered for 5 to 8mins, stirring occasionally.
- Serve with rice. Share and enjoy!
Source: Wow To Life
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