Coconut Pudding (Coco Quemado) Recipe

  • ¾ c sugar 
  • ¼ c. water 
  • 1 ½ c grated coconut 
  • 2 egg yolks, lightly beaten 
  • ½ t. ground cinnamon 
  • 3 T. dry cherry 
Coconut Pudding (Coco Quemado) Recipe
  1. Cook the sugar and water to syrup at the thread stage. To check, drop the syrup in cold water, and form a thread. 
  2. Add coconut, and then stir in egg yolks, cinnamon, and sherry. Cook until mixture is thick 
  3. Pour into serving dish and brown the top under a broiler or with a torch 
  4. Serve warm or chilled

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