Beef Meatballs With Mushroom & Ricotta Recipe

  • 500g Beef mince
  • 60g breadcrumbs (I use a wholemeal roll and put it into the blender)
  • 1 egg
  • 1 onion (finely chopped)
  • 2 garlic cloves (crushed)
  • 250g chestnut mushrooms (finely chopped)
  • 100g ricotta
  • 180ml red wine
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 200ml beef stock
Beef Meatballs With Mushroom & Ricotta Recipe

  1. your hands, kneed together the beef mince, egg and breadcrumbs – add some salt and pepper to season
  2. Roll up the mix into individual meatballs, approximately 1/1-5 inches in diameter. Leave on the side whilst you move onto the sauce
  3. Put 1 tbsp olive oil in a deep pan and fry the onion and garlic until golden
  4. Add the mushrooms and fry for a couple of minutes
  5. Add the wine and leave for a couple of minutes
  6. Add the beef stock and bring to the boil
  7. Add the meatballs (I never fry my meatballs beforehand, as some recipes suggest. This keeps them moist)
  8. Turn down the heat and simmer for 30-45 mins. If it gets too dry too soon, feel free to add a little water.
  9. Once the sauce has thickened, add the ricotta and stir through the rest of the sauce.
  10. Take off the heat and serve with some fresh salad

Source: Cooks Cook

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