- 1kg minced pork
- 3 large Chinese mushroom, soaked with salt water
- 2 small carrot/1 large carrot, skin removed
- 5 garlic, peeled
- 13 shallots, peeled
- 3 tablespoons soy sauce
- 1 tablespoon sesame oil
- 17 heaping teaspoons cornflour
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- white pepper (plenty)
- 1/4 cup water
- 1 tablespoon soy sauce
- peanut oil (just enough to cover half the pork ball)

- Mince mushroom, carrots, garlic and shallots with a food grinder/chopper. You can use a knife but it will take longer. Place aside.
- Place minced pork in a large deep container.
- Add soy sauce, sesame oil, white pepper (plenty), salt and heaping teaspoons of cornflour.
- Mix by hand until combine.
- Add minced mushroom, shallots, garlic and carrots.
- Again, mix by hand until combine. While mixing, press your hand close (grip your hand) so that all the ingredients will bind together.
- Marinate for 2-3 hours in the fridge. Best if leave overnight.
- Mix and press again once you remove container from the fridge.
- Make a water and soy sauce mixture.
- Meanwhile heat just enough oil in the wok so that half the pork ball will be covered (not to waste oil). You can add oil to cover fully.
- While the oil is heating up, roll a pork ball of 3cm (or 4cm) in diameter. Dab pork ball with soy sauce. Then ‘slap’ pork ball from one palm to the other about 3-5 times.
- Fry until golden brown. Use a pair of chopsticks to easily turn the pork ball.
Source: Messy Witchen
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