Purple Yam Jelly (Ube Halaya) Recipe


  • 2.4 lbs. Purple Yam, boiled, peeled then grated or mashed (Boiling: wash purple yam in water, scrubbing any dirt. Put in a medium size stockpot and add ¼ cup water. Boil under medium high heat until Purple Yam is fork tender. Allow to cool prior to peeling and grating/mashing.)
  • 1 can coconut milk, 
  • ½ cup coconut cream, 
  • 1 cup Maple Syrup, 
  • 1 ½ tsp Vanilla Extract,

Purple Yam Jelly (Ube Halaya) Recipe

  1. Place a large saucepan on a medium-low heat.
  2. Add the coconut milk, coconut cream, vanilla extract and Maple syrup. Stir until heated through but not boiling.
  3. Add the grated/mashed Purple Yam and stir with wooden spoon until well mixed with the coconut milk mix.
  4. Taste to check if you will need to add Maple Syrup according to your taste preference. Remember a warm dish usually tastes sweeter than when it cools off or when served chilled.
  5. When Purple Yam is very thick, remove from heat and transfer to your preferred container. I prefer putting them in a small Mason jar container before chilling it for a more convenient serving size and on-the-go snack. All you need to do is attach a spoon in the jar.

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