Fresh Corn Salad Recipe

Fresh Corn Salad


  • Corn kernels from 3 big corns, cooked
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 big red onion, chopped
  • 1 bell pepper, chopped
  • 1 tbsp unsalted butter
  • Fresh chives, optional
  • Fresh parsley, optional
  • Ground black pepper to taste
  • Salt to taste


  1. Heat olive oil in a sauté pan over a medium heat.
  2. Add onion and sauté for 5 minutes until they are soft.
  3. Add bell pepper and sauté for 2 more minutes.
  4. Add butter and allow it to melt. Add the corn, salt and pepper.
  5. Mix everything together. Cook for 5 minutes.
  6. Stir in the fresh green herbs of your choice. I used fresh chives and parsley.
  7. Serve hot!

Source: CrispyOven

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