Filipino Sinigang Na Baboy Recipe

Filipino Sinigang na Baboy


  • 10 tamarind seeds or 1 package sinigang mix
  • 1 kilo pork; cut in 1 1/2 inches chunks (liempo, kasim, or ribs)
  • 1 onion; sliced
  • 4 tomatoes; sliced
  • 1 radish (labanos); sliced
  • 5 string beans(sitaw), cut in 2” length
  • 1/2 cup kangkong leaves (river spinach)
  • 4 pieces gabi (taro); peeled and cut in halve
  • 2 whole siling haba (long green pepper)
  1. Boil the tamarind seeds, then mash them to extract the tamarind juice. Set aside.
  2. In a stock pot or sauce pan, boil the pork until tender
  3. Add the onions, tomatoes and tamarind juice
  4. Add gabi, then simmer until it thickens the soup
  5. Add the radish and string beans until tender
  6. Then lastly, add the kangkong leaves and the sili (pepper)
  7. Season with fish sauce according to desired taste
Source: Lahat Sarap

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