Inandila Recipe



  • Glutinous Rice Flour (sticky rice flour) - 500 g.
  • White Sugar - 1/3 - 1/2 c or to taste
  • Water - 2 1/2 to 3 cups
  • Water for boiling
Ingredients for Ladek or Latik
  • Coconut meat, shredded (from at least 1 coconut)
  • Hot Water - 2 cups
  • Cold water as needed

How to make ladek or latik:

  1. Pour 1 cups of hot water. Mix well and let it sit for a minute. 
  2. Squeeze out the milk from the shredded coconut milk. If it is still too hot to the touch add cold water. Repeat 2 times.
  3. Strain the coconut milk to remove any coconut meat. 
  4. Place all the coconut milk in a wok or big kawali. Bring it to a boil.. Stir continuously until all the LIQUIDS evaporated leaving the coconut oil and the brown thingy called Ladek or Latik . Set aside.
  5. Combine the glutinous rice flour, white sugar, and water to form a dough. the dough is a bit wet.
  6. Scoop out a spoonful of the glutinous rice dough, roll, then form them into an oblong or tongue shape. Do this until all the dough are done
  7. Boil water in a pot or pan. Drop one of the sticky rice dough a few pieces at a time
  8. When the sticky rice cakes float, remove from the water and drain to remove the excess water.
  9. Once all the sticky rice cakes are cooked, throw them in on the coconut oil and Ladek or Latikmixture
  10. Stir gently until all the sticky rice cakes are coated with he coconut oil and Ladek or Latik 
  11. Serve and enjoy 

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