Sauteed Mongo Beans With Shrimp Recipe

Sauteed Mongo Beans With Shrimp Recipe


  • 1 cups of mung beans
  • 1/2 lb shrimp (more if you prefer), trimmed and deveined but leave the shells on
  • 2 cups fresh spinach
  • 1 onion, sliced
  • 1 tomato, sliced
  • salt and pepper according to taste
  • oil
  1. Place mung beans and water in a pan and simmer until soft and mushy. Set aside.
  2. In another pan, add oil then sauteed onion and tomato until onion is translucent and fragrant
  3. Add shrimp and lightly saute until it turns slightly orange.
  4. add softened mung beans to the pot and cook until it boils and slightly thickens. NOTE: add more water as needed
  5. When soup thickens slightly, add spinach and cook for a minute or two.
  6. Season with salt and pepper then remove from heat.
  7. Serve warm.

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