Pandan Chicken Recipe

  • 1 piece of boneless chicken breast (cut into smaller pieces & coarsely minced)
  • 1-2 tsp tumeric powder
  • 2 tsp sugar
  • 2-3 shallots (minced)
  • salt to taste
  • some pepper

  • Enough pandan (screwpine) leaves for wrapping the chicken meat
  • Some toothpicks for securing the wrap
Pandan Chicken Recipe

  1. Clean chicken breast and cut it into smaller pieces & coarsely mince it with meat tenderizer hammer or knife.
  2. Put the chicken meat into a big bowl and add in all the ingredients. Mix throughly with a spoon (*wear a plastic glove if you are using your hand to mix it - tumeric powder will stain our fingernails)
  3. Cover the bowl with cling wrap and marinate it over-night in the fridge.
  4. Ways to assemble the Pandan Chicken:
  5. Wash the pandan leave and dry it with clean cloth. Cut the leaves into 3 inch long each. Take a piece or 2 marinated chicken breast and shape it into 1 inch oval shape before wrap it up with the pandan leaves. Put the chicken onto one of the pandan leaves end and roll it tightly to the other end. Hold tight and secure the end of the leaves with a toothpick.
  6. Heat enough oil for frying the chicken. The oil must enough to cover the chicken we want to fry. Wait till the oil is really hot before add in the pandan chicken one by one. Lower down the fire to medium heat and continue frying the chicken until it's golden in color. Watch out the heat all the time and don't over cook the chicken. **The chicken will turn dry and hard if we over-fried it.
  7. Serve while it's still warm with your favourite drink.

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