Steamed Blue Crabs Recipe


24 pcs. (150grms./each) blue crabs, cleaned
1 tbsp. sea salt
1/2 cup water

*For the Chilli Vinegar Dip:
2 cups white vinegar
1 med. (100grms.) dry onion, fine chop
8 cloves garlic, sliced
8 pcs. hot chilli, sliced
1 Tbsp. sea salt


On a large cooking pot, put half of the sea salt. Arrange the cleaned Blue Crabs. Add the remaining 1/2 tablespoon sea salt. Pour in the water. Place cooking pot on a very high heat, cover with lid. Crabs will be cooked on the steaming water and from it’s own juice for 8 minutes.

Prepare the Chilli Vinegar Dip while the Blue Crabs are steaming.

Serve with hot Steamed Rice

Source: iCookonboard

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