Sopapillas Recipe


3 cups AP Flour
3/4 t salt
3 t baking powder
3 T shortening (NOT BUTTER!)
1/2 cup- 3/4 cup of COLD water
1/2 can (6oz.) evaporated milk

Canola oil for frying

For Sweet:
2 cups sugar
2T ground cinnamon


  1. Can make dough in food processor!  Simply place dry ingredients in processor first & pulse a couple times to combine.  Add shortening and pulse until mealy.  Add evaporated milk, and slowly add water.  Dough should be a bit sticky- not dry!!
  2. ***Dough can be made in stand mixer with paddle attachment, or combined by hand using a pastry blender when adding shortening.  Use a large spoon to stir in liquid ingredients.
  3. Turn dough out onto a floured and clean surface, and knead briefly.  If using right away, cover with a damp cloth, and allow to rest for about 20min. prior to rolling out.  (Can be covered and refrigerated overnight if using the next day!)
  4. Divide dough, and roll out 1 half at a time.   Roll out dough very thin, (about 1/8in. thick), and cut into desired shapes!  (Squares, triangles, or round.)  Do not use scraps!  (The tougher the dough, the less tender they will be, and less likely to puff!)
  5. Fry pastries in canola oil at 375F- 400F .  (About 1min. per side.) 
  6. **Test 1 first by dropping in oil.  They should puff up- if fried at right temp.!
  7. Remove from deep fryer, or large pan when golden brown on both sides. Place on paper towels for a couple minutes to remove excess oil. 
  8. For savory sopapillas:  simply sprinkle with salt.
  9. For sweet:  combine sugar and cinnamon in large Ziploc bag.  After each batch has cooled for  a  couple minutes, drop in bag and shake gently to coat pastries on both sides prior to serving.
  10. Pastries are best served fresh and warm!!  Consume within 1-3 days of making for best results, and store at room temp. in an airtight container.

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