Mini (Quails) Scotch Eggs Recipe

Mini (Quails) Scotch Eggs


  • 4 good quality pork sausages, skins removed
  • 250g pork mince
  • 8-10 quails eggs
  • 3 spring onions
  • 8 sage leaves
  • 2 chicken eggs, whisked (if you're using quail eggs for this bit you'll need about 10)
  • Flour
  • Breadcrumbs


  1. Bring a pan of water to the boil and pop in the quail eggs to boil. If you want the yolks fully cooked, boil them for 3 minutes, if you like the yolk a little soft, go for 2. When the time is up, get them out of the pan with a slotted spoon & pop in a bowl of very cold water.
  2. Meanwhile, mix together the sausage meat & pork mince. Add the finely chopped sage leaves and spring onions. Season it well with salt & pepper and get your hands in there to mush it all together.
  3. Next you need to peel the eggs. Quails eggs are notoriously time consuming to peel, the easiest way is to remove a bit of shell, then pinch the white membrane underneath the shell with your thumbnail and peel that - the shell simply comes away with it.
  4. Take a lump of meat mix, about the size of a golf ball, and squash it flattish between your palms. Pop an egg in the middle, then fold up the edges of the meat mix and gently roll it between your hands until the meat has hidden the little egg.
  5. Next line up 3 bowls; the first with a tablespoon or two of seasoned flour in, the second with the whisked eggs in, and the third with breadcrumbs in.
  6. Roll one meaty egg ball in the flour till covered. Then roll it in the egg wash and lastly roll it round in the breadcrumbs.
  7. Heat up 1/3rd of a pan of vegetable oil in a saucepan or fryer, until you can brown a cube of bread within 30 seconds.
  8. Cook one or two Scotch eggs at a time, until the breadcrumbs are golden brown. This took me 4 minutes, but do cut one open and check the inside is cooked through.
  9. Take out of the oil and sit on kitchen paper to drain.

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