Bacon And Egg Cups Recipe

Bacon and Egg Cups


  •   4 thick cut bacon slices
  •   3 eggs
  •   fresh parsley, (optional)
  •   salt/pepper to taste


  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees
  2. Wrap the bacon around muffin tins to form a ring. Place in the oven for about 20 minutes. Remove from the oven. The bottom of the bacon will be crispier as that's the part cooking in the bacon grease.
  3. Flip the bacon rings over and place in new muffin cups (without grease on the bottom)
  4. Place back in the oven until it's near desired level of crispiness. (About another 10 minutes)
  5. Decrease the heat to 300 degrees. Crack the eggs on a flat surface (so as not to push the shell up inside) and drop them into the muffin tins with the bacon. A little remaining grease inside of the muffin cups is okay, this makes it easy to remove the eggs afterwards.
  6. Bake for about 10-15 minutes, until the egg white has firmed up a bit.
  7. Use a butter knife to loosen the egg around the edges, and 2 forks to carefully remove the egg from the tin. Serve with toast and enjoy! 
Source : The Cozy Cook

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