Egg “Noodles” With Tomato, Bacon Sauce Recipe

Egg “Noodles” with Tomato, Bacon Sauce


  •    3 eggs,
  •    2 tsp cornstarch
  •    4 tsp milk
  •    2 tsp oil
  •    2 shallots, finely chopped
  •    3oz (90gr) bacon, finely chopped
  •    2 tsp olive oil
  •    1 cup (8oz, 240ml) tomato sauce
  •    1 tbs tomato paste
  •    2 tbs white balsamic vinegar
  •    1/2 tsp oregano
  •    1/2 tsp basil
  •    freshly shaved Parmesan


  1. Heat olive oil in a small skillet. Add shallot,bacon and sauté until bacon is crisp.
  2. Add tomato sauce, tomato paste, vinegar and herbs, heat to simmering
  3. Keep warm until needed.
  4. Noodles:
  5. Put eggs in medium bowl and whisk well.
  6. Add cornstarch, a little at a time, sprinkling it across the eggs, and whisking well after each addition. Try to avoid lumps.
  7. Add the milk and whisk well.
  8. Heat the oil in a medium nonstick skillet or omelet pan, 7 – 8″ (20cm) in diameter, over medium heat.
  9. Add 1/3rd of the egg mixture, tilting pan to cover well. Let cook, undisturbed for 1 – 2 minutes, until cooked through and top is dry. With a spatula, carefully turn and cook on the other side for 30 seconds. Remove to a plate. Do not keep warm.
  10. Repeat twice more.
  11. When eggs are done, and cooled slightly, roll each up like a cigar and slice 1/4″ strips.
  12. Divide strips in half and place on two plates. Spoon sauce over and garnish with shaved Parmesan.
 Source :  thyme for cooking blog

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