Baked Talaba With Cheese And Garlic Recipe

Baked Talaba with Cheese and Garlic


  • 2 kilos talaba or oysters, retain half shell
  • 1/4 cup butter
  • 1 whole garlic (minced)
  • 2 cups grated cheese, the more toppings the better
  • How to cook Baked Talaba
  1. In a pan, melt butter in medium heat.
  2. Saute minced garlic until golden brown.
  3. Drain garlic and set aside the melted butter
  4. Prepare oysters - clean and wash thoroughtly. Choose those with deeper shells so it can hold more toppings. Pour boiling water into each oyster.
  5. Place topping into each oyster shell. Pour the melted butter on the oyster then top garlic.
  6. Place a very generous amount of cheese then more garlic on top. You can also sprinkle powdered milk on top of the cheese. 
  7. Bake in an oven pre heated at 350 degrees F for approximately 10-15 mins or until cheese has melted. 
  8. Serve hot.

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