Ginisang Mongo Recipe

Ginisang Mongo Recipe

  • Mongo Beans (rinsed and soaked)
  • Pork (cut into small pieces)
  • Garlic
  • Onion
  • Tomatoes
  • Shrimp Paste (Bagoong Isda)
  • Pepper
  • Alugbati (Malabar Spinach)
  1. In a saucepan, saute onion, garlic and tomatoes. 
  2. Add the pork and saute until the color turns brown. 
  3. Once the pork turns brown, add your Mongo beans with about 1 cup of water. Add more water when necessary. 
  4. Simmer the Mongo beans for about 5 minutes or more, depending on how long you soaked it in water. 
  5. After simmering, add the Alugbati before it is totally cooked. I usually add it 2 minutes before I turn off the fire. 
  6. Gauge the flavor and add Shrimp Paste and Pepper as needed. 

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