Paella Recipe

Paella Recipe


  • 20-25 pcs. clams
  • 2 pcs crabs (alimasag), optional
  • 300 grams medium sized shrimps
  • 500 grams chicken, cut up
  • 1/8 cup olive oil
  • 250 grams pork, cut in serving pieces
  • 150 grams ham, cut in 1 inch squares
  • 1 pc chorizo de bilbao, sliced
  • 4 cloves garlic, crushed.
  • 1 medium onion, chopped
  • 1 cup tomato sauce
  • 1 1/2 cups rice, washed
  • 3 1/2 cups broth
  • 1 pc. red pepper, in strips
  • 10 pcs. string beans
  • 2 tsp. salt 
  • 1/2 cup peas
  • 2 hard boiled eggs
  • a small packet of saffron (we've added this; not in the original recipe)
  • 1 sprig parsley
  • slices of lemon 
  1. Boil clams, set aside 1 cup broth.
  2. Boil crabs and shrimp together. Set aside.
  3. Boil bony part of the chicken. Set broth aside.
  4. Heat olive oil in a steel or a heavy pan or paellera. Fry chicken, pork, ham and chorizo. Cover until half done. Push to one side. Saute garlic, onion, and tomato sauce. Add the broths of clams and chicken and rice. Mix everything together.
  5. When rice is halfway done, drop the red pepper, string beans, clams. Season with salt. cover tightly and allow to cook without stirring for 20 minutes or until all the broth is absorbed by the rice. Paella may be baked in the oven. (Keep pan covered).
  6. During the last 5 minutes of cooking, put shrimps, crabs and peas on top. Garnish with sliced egg, strips of pepper, saffron, and parsley and lemon slices.

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