Filipino Crispy Fried Fish Recipe


  • 1 whole 2 lb fish, cleaned and scaled
  • 3″ piece fresh ginger, finely sliced
  • 1 scallion, chopped
  • 1 tsp ground white pepper
  • 1/2 cup sake
  • 2 tbs cornstarch
  • oil, for deep-frying
 Filipino Crispy Fried Fish Recipe

  1. Cut 4-5 deep diagonal slashes on each side and marinate for 15 minutes with ginger, scallion, pepper, and sake. Drain and scrape off any pieces of the marinade. Dry thoroughly.
  2. Heat a wok and add oil. Once hot, sprinkle fish on both sides with cornstarch, shaking to remove any excess. Lower fish into oil and cook, over moderate heat, for 6-7 minutes. Drain and serve.

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