Caramelised Sardines In Coconut Water Recipe

  • cooking oil 1 tbsp
  • red onion ½, finely chopped
  • whole sardines 350g, scaled and gutted
  • coconut water 150ml (or use fresh water plus 1 tsp sugar)
  • bird’s eye chilli 1
  • black pepper a pinch
  • coconut caramel 1 tsp
  • sugar 1 tsp
  • fish sauce 1 tbsp
  • vegetable oil 1 tsp
  • cooked rice to serve
Caramelised Sardines In Coconut Water Recipe

  1. Heat the cooking oil in a frying pan over medium heat and fry the onion until browned.
  2. Add the sardines to the pan and fry for about 2 minutes on each side.
  3. Add the coconut water, chilli, pepper, coconut caramel, sugar, fish sauce and vegetable oil. Bring to the boil, then cover with a lid and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes.
  4. Serve with cooked rice, or a palate-cleansing soup and fried greens.

Source: Chok Chow

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