Melt In Your Mouth Chicken Parmesan Recipe

  • ¾ c Mayonnaise
  • ¾ c grated Parmesan cheese
  • 1 cup Italian bread crumbs
  • 5-6 half chicken breasts, cut in half again.
Melt In Your Mouth Chicken Parmesan Recipe

  1. Mix Mayonnaise and Parmesan cheese together in a bowl.
  2. In a separate bowl place the bread crumbs.
  3. Coat the chicken first in the mayonnaise mixture.
  4. Roll them in the bread crumbs till completely covered.
  5. Place chicken on greased pan.(I put them on a cookie sheet lined with aluminum foil)
  6. Salt and pepper (optional)
  7. Cook in oven at 425 degrees for 25-30 min

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