Loco Moco Recipe


White rice, cooked
Beef patties (mine were precooked and frozen but fresh grilled are the best)
Fried eggs (sunny side up is preferred but I broke my yolks...still good though)
*Brown gravy


  1. Brown gravy:  1/4 cup butter, 1/4 cup flour, and 2 cups beef broth.  Cook the butter and flour in a skillet over medium heat just until it turns a nice brown color (this is a roux).  Then pour in the beef broth and stir or whisk well.  Allow to come to a boil then lower heat to a simmer.  Allow to simmer until desired thickness.  Lastly season with salt and pepper to taste. (makes 2 cups)
  2. In your bowl/plate start by adding the rice.  You can use 1 or 2 scoops (as much as you like).
  3. Top the rice with your fully cooked beef patty (I simmered my frozen patties in the gravy to thaw and warm them) and plenty of gravy.
  4. Lastly top with the fried egg.  You can add a bit more gravy on top of the egg but if you have a good sunny side up egg you don't need to because you'll have that nice runny yolk.
  5. Serve immediately. You can add sriracha if you like it spicy (if you look close in the 2nd picture you can see my husband's bowl smothered with sriracha).
  6. Enjoy.

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