Crispy Chilli Beef Recipe

Crispy Chilli Beef


  • 450 gms. beef steak (rib eye or sirloin)
  • 1 tbsp. light soy sauce
  • 1 tbsp. shaohsing wine or dry sherry
  • 1 tsp. sugar
  • 1/4 tsp. sesame oil
  • cooking oil for deep frying
  • 2 tbsps. corn flour (corn starch)
  • 1 tsp. cornflour (corn starch)
  • 1 tbsp. sugar
  • 1 tbsp. light soy sauce
  • 1/4 c. water
  • 2 cloves of garlic, chopped
  • 1 carrot, cut into thin strips
  • 1 stalk of celery, cut into thin strips
  • 1/2 tsp. roasted and ground Szechuan peppercorns
  • 1 tsp. chilli oil


  1. Slice the beef thinly, then into 1/2 cm. wide strips.
  2. Combine the soy sauce, wine or sherry, sugar and sesame oil in a mixing bowl.
  3. Add in the beef strips and mix well. Set aside for about half an hour.
  4. Heat up a wok and add in enough oil for deep frying.
  5. While the oil is heating up, mix in the 2 tbsps. of corn flour to the marinated beef.
  6. Fry the beef strips on medium high heat in batches, separating and stirring the strands as you do so. Fry until crisped, about 3 minutes per batch. Transfer to a strainer when done then spread on a paper lined tray.
  7. Heat up the wok. When very hot, put the fried beef strips back in and wok toss until hot, fragrant and crisp. Spread on the paper lined tray (change the paper that's been previously used).
  8. Mix the 1 tsp. of corn flour, sugar, soy sauce and water for the sauce mixture and set aside.
  9. Heat up the same wok used for dry frying the beef. There will be some oil left in but add enough to make about 2 tbsps.
  10. Add in the chopped garlic and stir fry for 1 minute until fragrant. Add in the carrots and stir fry for 2 minutes, then add in the celery strips and stir fry for 1 minute.
  11. Add in the sauce mixture while stirring until thickened. Add in the ground Szechuan peppercorns and chilli oil.
  12. Add in the beef strips and stir fry until piping hot. Transfer to a serving plate.
  13. Serve with steamed rice, steamed buns or pancakes.

Source: Adora's Box

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