Suman Sa Lihiya With Latik Recipe

Suman Sa Lihiya with Latik


  •   1 kilo of Glutinous Rice
  •   1 teaspoon of Lye Water
  •   1 kilo of Banana Leaves
  •   1 roll o kitchen twine
 (You can find the Lye Water and the Banana Leaves at any Filipino Food Store)


  1. The first thing that needs to be done is to prepare the banana leaves. Take the leaves and cut them into approximately 30cmx 30cm pieces. Wash the banana leaves and allow them to drain. Make sure they are still slightly damp. Turn on the stove top and pass the leaves on both sides. They will change colour from a light green to a dark green. This is done so that the leaves are more pliable. It ensures that you can wrap the suman mixture without the leaves falling apart.
  2.  Wash the glutinous rice a few times to get rid of the grit. Put the rice in a large bowl and add the lye water. Mix well.
  3. Take one big spoon of the rice mixture and put it in the middle of the banana leaf. Take both ends of the leaf and bring it up. Fold both ends down and tuck the sides to form a small parcel.
  4. Take 2 of the small parcels and put them on top of each other. Get some kitchen twine and wrap it around and tie a small knot on the side to secure.
  5. Once all the suman is wrapped, put it all in a deep pot and cover with water. Boil the suman for two hours. After 2 hours take the suman off the heat and drain.
  6. Set aside while you make the latik.

Latik Sauce


  •    2 cans of coconut cream
  •    1 to 1½ cups of brown sugar firmly packed


  1.  In a medium saucepan, combine the sugar and the coconut cream together.
  2. Stir over medium heat until the sugar is dissolved. Let the mixture reduce until it is a thick consistency. Make sure to stir the mixture constantly to avoid sticking to the bottom of the saucepan.
  3. To serve – Peel the banana leaves of 2 suman and serve with lots of latik on top.

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