Chicken Teriyaki Recipe

  • Chicken - 1 lb, prefeably thighs, cut into chunks
  • Sake - 3 tbsp
  • Mirin - ¼ cup
  • Soy Sauce - ¼ cup
  • Brown Sugar - 1 tsp
  • Freshly grated Ginger - 2 tsp
  • Sesame Oil - a splash (10 drops approx)
  • Green Beans - 1 cup, blanched
  • Baby corn - 1 can drained
  • Vegetable/ Canola Oil - 1 tbsp
Chicken Teriyaki Recipe


  1. Combine Sake, Mirin, Soy Sauce, Brown Sugar, freshly grated Ginger and Sesame Oil to make a marinade. Steep the chicken chunks in the marinade for 15 to 30 minutes.
  2. Heat a tablespoon of oil in a non stick pan and pan fry the chicken pieces, with out the marinade till nearly cooked and beautifully bronzed on both sides.
  3. Add the marinade to the pan and let it cook on medium heat till bubbly and thickened.
  4. Add the fried chicken pieces back to the sauce and give a good toss.
  5. Add a hand fill of blanched green beans and a drained can of baby corn to the chicken pieces.
  6. Give it a good toss, so that the sauce coats the vegetables properly. Chicken Teriyaki is served!

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