- Left-over lechon (what we have is almost a half kilo of lechon. I separated the meat, skin from the bony part)
- 3 tomatoes, halved and seeded
- 2 onions, sliced into half
- 1 pack or tali of kangkong
- 3 green chili peppers (siling haba)
- 2 small pouches of sinigang mix (I used Knorr Sinigang mix with Gabi 25grams)
- Fish sauce (patis) to taste
- *You can add string beans (sitaw), gabi or labanos if you want.

- If your left-over lechon has bones in it, scrape the meat off the bone and set the meaty portions aside.
- Place the bony parts in a pot, cover it with water—I used 4 mugful’s of water to cover the bone. Let it simmer.
- Remember that the longer you keep the broth boiling, the more flavorful the soup would be.
- Add the tomatoes, onions and green chili peppers.
- Keep the soup boiling for another 10-15 minutes.
- Add the rest of the lechon to the mix.
- At this point, you can add salt or fish sauce according to your preferred taste.
- I want my sinigang really sour and a bit spicy so I used 2 pouches of the sinigang mix. Since I used the mix with gabi variant, the broth was a bit thicker (not so much resembling a sauce) than the usual sinigang
Source: DIY for DUMMIES
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