Papaya Sago Soy Milk Recipe

Papaya Sago Soy Milk


  • 1 litre Soy Milk (sweetened)
  • 1 whole Papaya
  • 2-3 tbsps Sago pearls, green or white


  1. Cut papaya into half lengthwise and remove seeds. Cut each half in half again. Insert a melon baller into the papaya half. Twist the scoop around completely, cutting out a perfect ball. Place the papaya balls in the fridge for later use. 
  2. Rinse sago under running water in a sieve till the water runs clear. Drain well and pour into a pot of 1200ml boiling water. Let it keep boiling for 5 minutes and turn of the heat.
  3. Cover the sago pearls with a lid for another 5 minutes or until you see the sago pearls are clear with white dots. Pour out sago pearls into the sieve and rinse with cold water, drain well.
  4. Then combine the papaya balls, soy milk and cooked sago pearls together in a large serving bowl, stir well and chill until ready to serve. Alternately pour soy milk into individual serving cups, add some papaya balls and a tablespoon of cooked sago pearls and stir well before serving.

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