Sinantolan Recipe

  • 15 pcs Santol
  • 1 Cup coconut cream
  • 2 Cups coconut milk
  • 3 pcs Siling Haba (finger Chillies)
  • 3 to 4 TBSP Alamang (fermented tiny shrimps or krill)
  • 4 cloves Garlic (crushed)
  • 1 medium onion (sliced)
 Sinantolan Recipe

  1. Cut Santol in half and remove seeds. Prepare a bowl with water
  2. and grate santol pulp on it using a kudkuran (a bench coconut grater).
  3. If you don't have a kudkuran, you can peel off the skin of the santol,
  4. remove the seeds and grate in a food processor adding a little amount
  5. of water. Squeze grated pulp to remove the juice. This is done to 
  6. remove the "tart" taste.
  7. Place all ingredients in a pan except the coconut cream. Bring to a boil,
  8. stirring occasionally. When the mixture is almost dry, add the coconut
  9. cream and simmer until oil appears on the side of the pan.
  10. Remove from heat and serve

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