- About 5lb bone-in or bone-out fully cooked ham
- 1 can of pineapple slices (you will need all slices and half cup of juice)
- Half cup of brown sugar
- 2 teaspoons of dry mustard powder
- Whole cloves to taste (optional)

- Prepare ingredients: take ham out of fridge 2 hours before you plan to cook it, let it warm up to room temperature before cooking, keep the original packaging on
- Preheat oven to 365F. Arrange ham sliced part to the bottom in a roasting pan; score fat on the top part till the knife meets the meat; stick cloves into the meat to your taste (some like less of them, some like more, just arrange them evenly across all ham piece, or skip them all together)
- Arrange slices of pineapple on the top of the ham, secure them with wooden toothpicks
- Let’s prepare glaze: for that mix half cup of pineapple juice, half cup of brown sugar and 2 teaspoons of mustard powder
- Pour glaze over ham from all sides
- Put pan into preheated oven for 15-20 mins per each pound of the meat (use meat thermometer to verify readiness 140F). Baste meat with juices produced by cooking every 20-30 mins; if your oven has broiler mode – turn it on at the end for up to 5 mins to form the glaze and brown pineapples on the top
- Remove pan from the oven, move meat to a plate, remove toothpicks, set pineapples aside
- Slice and serve
Source: Enjoy Your Cooking
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